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want to learn with me?

Unlock the 3 secrets that could be your creative blocks in the free on-demand training below!



Finally create truly original floral art without being too heavily inspired by one painting style because lets face it its already been done right?


Transition from copying to embracing your style with confidence!


Uncover your style in just 90 days- its easier then you might think.

This is for you if…

  • You are wanting to create original floral watercolours.

  • You want to break through the creative block of not knowing how to be inspired to create original art.

  • You struggle with how to use inspiration to paint something unique (WITHOUT COPYING)?

  • You are looking for an easy to follow guide to help you move beyond copying to uncover your signature style?

  • You struggle with ‘blank page syndrome’ and know the techniques but struggle to connect all the dots and apply your knowledge to paint something new

  • Well you're in the right place!

I’m Safiyyah, a Fine Watercolour Artist and Intuitive Painter 

My journey into intuitive painting began about 7 years ago, when I was in a negative mental space. I’d just quit my teaching job and was struggling to find my new equilibrium. I turned to my garden, spending time among the flowers, and soon my inspiration took off, something I’d once thought lost.

Over the next few years, I taught myself to paint. (I also started a family and sold my first piece of art. I was busy!)

Which is why I learnt how to tap into my intuition. I needed to make sure that my art remained the emotional oasis that it had always been and not become a chore. By this point I was raising a toddler and a baby so I needed to make sure my time spent on art was efficient. I needed to learn how to become ‘creatively supercharged’.

And I’ve put together this free video training to help you do the same.

What people have said


“Thanks for checking in. I'm definitely making progress. I've been practicing the techniques on roses for a while now and am starting to try to apply them to different flowers. I thoroughly enjoy your videos and can anticipate re-watching them - have already done so. I started using liquid paints because of you and it's been really helpful to see how you mix them and use them.”


“Oh my goodness, Something clicked today! I know my painting’s aren’t perfect but I felt I understood this more today.

I can see how I would use what you have taught to paint any flower and watching you show us the process you took was an eye opener. I am amazed at how much I have jumped up in my skill because of this module.”


“Safiyyah’s approach to teaching is such a joy, her seemingly effortless approach to art is clearly unpacked within these lessons, If you are looking to develop your own personal style, and overcome your creative blocks in a gentle guided way then this course is for you, I’ve already had some surprising breakthroughs and I haven’t even completed 90 days.”


'Special shout out to Safiyyah for the inspiration to paint on mixed media paper. Im in the middle of taking her course 'Finding Your Way With Watercolour' and I highly recommend it for both beginners and experienced artists alike, it's super relaxing to watch her paint and she has great tips and tricks to enhance your watercolour journey'



“WOW THE NEW VIDEO WITHIN artist mindset is amaizing

I found my journal entry when I first watched that video, I wrote that it felt like a very gentle roadmap for seeing myself as an artist, something I’d unknowingly never allowed myself to do. That was a huge roadblock to remove! The self reflection is what drew me to your class, and that is precisely what is does for me.”
